Red Curtain announces auditions for an original Shakespeare adaptation, "A MidWinter Night's Dream," written by Alex DeRoest and directed by Eric Bischoff. The production will run four weekends, Dec 1-23, 2024 at the Red Curtain Arts Center (9315 State Ave #J, Marysville, WA). Auditions will be held in-person Sept 26 and 27 from 6:00-9:00pm, with callbacks TBD.
This show offers roles for teens and kids. Young children may audition, but they must be competent readers to be consider for the cast.
In medieval Icenia, two young couples run away to a magical, wintery forest where they
encounter fairies, gnomes, a prankster and feuding winter royals. Magic, tricks, music,
mayhem and romance ensues, all ending with a celebration of the winter holiday.
Reserve your audition spot at:
Actors should reserve an audition time slot, and submit their headshot and resume to For Auditions, please bring a very short speech from a play by Shakespeare or one of his contemporaries, preferably less than one minute in length. It can be memorized or read. Expect to read the piece two or three times during the audition. If you are unable to find a short speech, we will make one available.
Please note that genders and ages listed represent the characters, not necessarily the actors who play them. Red Curtain promotes non-traditional casting, with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.