It Came Home is a psychological thriller set in a family home during the 1950s. Strange occurrences take place around the home as the family within attempts to resist the approaching evil.
This is a student film, and we will be covering food costs and travel fees. Shoot dates are scheduled for February 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th and 26th, with no days going over 7hrs of work. We will be shooting at various locations in Renton, Seattle and Factoria.
KERRY (Lead) is a 12-year-old girl, who lives with her mother and father in a newly built housing complex. She is forced to navigate an increasingly hostile home environment as her parents fall victim to a mysterious illness.
MOTHER (Lead) is a woman in her late 20s. Protective and nurturing, she studied art before marrying and having her child. She dabbles in woodcarving and is very resistant to gender and social norms placed upon her.
FATHER (Lead) is a man in his early 30s. Fully under the control of a mysterious disease spreading through his workplace, he has transformed from the man he once was into an obsessive worker. (Will only be on set February 17th, 18th and 24th.)
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