Title: Short Notice
Genre: Comedy
Project Length: Short Film (4 - 7 minutes)
Shooting Date: April 24
Audition Date: Sunday, April 10th - 11am - 5pm
Shooting Location: Seattle
Call Backs: TBD if needed
Audition Location: University of Washington, Seattle
Union / Non-Union: SAG-AFTRA Student Film (Both union and nonunion are welcome to audition)
Screen Credit
Additional: Lunch and copy of film
Leah, a middle aged single woman, hosts a dinner date for her promising new boyfriend, when the date takes a wild and disappointing turn.
Character Breakdown
Leah - Female, late 30s to early 50s, single. Charming. Eager to settle down.
George - Male, late 30s to early 50s, single. Seemingly bland; secretly eccentric.
Email your casting submission to shortnoticefilm@gmail.com. This includes headshots, resume (inexperienced are welcome to audition), and self-tape for the role you wish to audition for (optional, but strongly preferred). An appointment notice with direction, parking details, and appointment time will be sent to you.
**This is a low budget student film being shot by passionate and aspiring filmmakers. The generous involvement of strong, dedicated, and driven actors will directly affect its success. We appreciate your support and ensure all aspects of principal photography will be executed in a professional manner.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email your casting submission to shortnoticefilm@gmail.com. This includes headshots, resume (inexperienced are welcome to audition), and self-tape for the role you wish to audition for (optional, but strongly preferred). An appointment notice with direction, parking details, and appointment time will be sent to you.
Please prepare to read from the sides provided (see link in description above)