Created and directed by Tom Dang with a script by Kendall Uyeji, this deeply immersive piece is made for Nordo's unique four course dinner theater style productions and takes place in Japan’s famous Aokigahara Forest, notorious as “The Japanese Suicide Forest,” during the Tanabata Festival. A western blogger is spirited away by the ghosts of and demons of the forest after he mockingly posts a photo of a suicide to social media.
The production will begin rehearsals in May and run Wednesday - Sunday June 27th - August 1st.
The auditions will take place on January 3rd, 4th and 5th.
Please email your headshot and resume to be considered for an audition appointment.
Prepare a short, 1-2 minute first person monologue from a piece of heightened text (ex. Shakespeare, a spoken word piece, an excerpt from Dante's Inferno, etc). We will be playing a short improvisation game using the text at some point in the audition.
Please also prepare a small presentation of a special interest or skill (32 measures of a song, a short movement phrase, instagram photos of your knitting, show us who you are!).
All performers at Nordo also serve dinner to the audience. Some service tasks are required. There is a flight of 20 stairs that performers must use multiple times per night. If you're curious about who we are and what we do, please visit our website