Title: Dinner With My Dad
Genre: Thriller/Drama
Project type: Film Short (~5 min)
Steven, a young professional, is preparing a dinner for his estranged father. The visit begins light but quickly turns for the worst as we discover that Steven has not only not forgiven his father for abandoning him as a child, he intends to exact revenge.
Auditions: Sunday, May 7th 2023, 2pm-6pm in Suzzallo Library on UW Campus.
Shooting Schedule: Saturday, May 13, 2023 in Mercer Island, WA.
Steven - (early-mid 20s - early 30s, male, all ethnicities). Steven is an anxious but successful young man. He is intent on getting his father’s approval but is also unwilling to accept that his father has moved on with his life.
Dad - (40s - 50s, male, all ethnicities). A military man / man of few words type that is unwilling to admit wrongdoing. He is meeting with his son out of a sense of obligation, not genuine affection.
Please email your casting submission (headshot and resume) to dwmdcasting@gmail.com.
Appointment time, location and sides will be provided upon contacting us. We welcome both SAG-AFTRA and non-union actors and will provide an onscreen credit. No compensation available but meals will be provided (SAG deferred microbudget).
Auditions: Sunday, May 7th 2023, 2pm-6pm in Suzzallo Library on UW Campus.