Sylvia by A. R. Gurney

Renton Civic Theater

About the project and the company

Greg and Kate have moved to Manhattan after twenty-two years of child-raising in the suburbs. Greg’s career as a financial trader is winding down, while Kate’s career, as a public-school English teacher, is beginning to offer her more opportunities. Greg brings home a dog he found in the park, or that has found him, bearing only the name “Sylvia” on her name tag. Sylvia becomes a major bone of contention between husband and wife.

Location of Audition

Renton Civic Theatre, Renton WA 98057

Audition requirements

Prepare a modern comedic monologue, no longer than 2-minutes total. Bring a head shot and resume.

Character breakdown / Project needs
Female labradoodle must be fit and agile the role is physical. note: the actor walks as a person but acts like a dog, setting, begging rolling over that type of stuff
A man coming to the natural conclusion of his career and struggling to cope
A woman coming into her own in her career and herself with many opportunities opening up for her.
Tom, Phyllis, Leslie
One actor playing 3 roles: Tom a “dog person", Phyllis a socialite, Leslie a marriage counselor
Additional information
Preferred method of submission


Audition/Interview dates

October 6 2019 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Pay type


Audition location

Renton WA

Pay type

There will be a cost reimbursement of $100 There will be a cost reimbursement of $100

Callbacks or second audition/interview?

October 7 2019 7:00 pm

Submission instructions

To schedule an audition time, email your requested time to

Union Requirements


Website specific to project

Equity Contract
