Dandylyon Drama is an educational non-profit performing arts organization that helps students thrive by shining a light on their unique strengths. Through a variety of exciting theater productions, fun classes, and engaging online programs, we build a creative, compassionate, and courageous community with you.
Dandylyon Drama’s mission is to grow more creative, compassionate, and courageous people through quality and accessible performing arts education.
Dandylyon Drama believes in equity, justice and inclusion for all. We actively welcome and include people of all races, socioeconomic statuses, colors, national origins, religions, ages, sexes, sexual orientations, genders, gender identities, neurological and physical abilities, employment histories, citizenship statuses, and education levels. Dandylyon Drama is a non-profit arts organization that operates in King County, occupying land of the Coast Salish, Stillaguamish, Duwamish and Suquamish People.
Dandylyon Drama was founded in August of 2009 by Founding Artistic Director Melani Lyons.
Dandylyon Drama is a Registered 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID is 46-1034745