Contact Details
3301 27th Ave S, Seattle WA 98144
Main Logo
Founded: 2014
Annual Budget: $30,000
Union Status: -
Offers: Live Performance, Open Auditions, Screenings, Workshops & Classes, Other
About Parley
PARLEY is a collaborative production company that develops and launches experimental, affordable dramatic art in all forms. The term ​​PARLEY derives from the French verb parler: to speak. Historically, a parley was a meeting between adversaries in order to negotiate an end to battle. To signal a willingness to talk peaceably, armies would run up a white flag. ​Writing is a solitary act, and isolated creatives can become defensive. ​ By committing to an ongoing process of creation, feedback, and production, we surrender the lone struggle and move forward together. What do we like? We like stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. We like stories that land in the body. We like when you ask new questions and offer answers we don’t expect. We like experimentation and risks that add up to something. We like learning. We like watching you turn the kaleidoscope of a moment, an action, a character until we don’t know whether to be amused or stunned. We like to be moved, thrilled, devastated. We like when you explode metaphors, blow up clichés, write the dangerous truth, and edit the hell out of it.
Parley exists to uplift the voices of historically silenced artists, provide them with a loving community, and make their success sustainable in the long-term.

Upcoming Projects


Seattle Playwriting Confernece 2024
July 13, 2024

The Seattle Playwriting Conference is for all Seattle-area playwrights, theatre artists, and community members. The day will be a combination of workshops, panels, and networking events with light lunch and evening snacks provided. The goal is to pro...

HOUSE FIRE by Carol Y Lee
August 19, 2024

A world premiere workshop reading of a new play at West of Lenin

Proofs episode 7: POWER
September 14, 2024

Our popular web series is back with more new plays and intrepid actors.