
TPS Workshops & Events

Trainings, Workshops and More!

TPS is committed to providing opportunities for Support and Professional Development to our members and the broader community. We produce workshops, trainings and events throughout the year in a range of skill sets and interests with the intention of helping everyone in our community grow and connect.

TPS Workshops

Have knowledge or skills to share? If you are interested in teaching a TPS workshop, please contact with your workshop proposal. We love helping to develop new opportunities for both you, the expert and the community as a whole.

Looking for a workshop? Check out the upcoming TPS produced events here! For a full calendar of all TPS produced or Member Produced events, please visit this calendar.

Did you miss a workshop you wanted to attend? Many of our online workshops are made available via recording. Visit the Community Toolkit and filter for the resources and trainings you are most interested in. Recordings of previous TPS produced workshops are available for free!

TPS Events

TPS knows that it is important for our community to have opportunities to gather together. Our combined experience is what makes the Puget Sound Theatre scene so strong and diverse. Throughout the year, TPS hosts Community Town Halls, Executive Town Halls and Celebrations to ensure that we are brought together in spaces to connect outside of the performance environment. Keep an eye on the events calendar and make sure to mark your own calendar well in advance. These events are where the community magic happens!

BOOST your event! Increase the exposure of your event and the chance to sell more tickets by boosting your event. For more information on advertising and boosting opportunities through Theatre Puget Sound - check out our Advertising page.