
TPS Times

Category: Community Town Hall

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TPS News
Seattle Times: Seattle tops nation’s large metros for performing-arts attendance
By Gene Balk “According to a new survey, Seattle tops the nation’s largest metro areas when it comes to local support...
TPS News
TPS Gregory Award-Winning “Dragon Lady” Feature in Daily Bruin Summer Theatre Spotlight Theater preview: Summer shines spotlight on reimagined classics, award-winning dramas “Theater’s most vibrant productions are heating up the summer...
TPS News
TPS Board Co-Chair Elected to Office
“We couldn’t be more proud to have Ry as Theatre Puget Sound (TPS) Board Co-Chair advocating for performing arts and...
_John Dillon
TPS News
In Memoriam: John Dillon (founding President)
It is with a heavy but full heart that we share the passing of TPS Founding President, John Dillon. John...
TPS News
Community Events
Broadway World: Theatre Puget Sound to Remain Open
Theatre Puget Sound has announced that they are no longer facing imminent closure. The TPS Board of Directors recently gathered...
TPS News
TPS In the Seattle Times
“Making theater in 2024’s culture and economy is hard enough, and anything that makes it harder — including possibly losing...
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TPS News
Community Events
September Community Town Hall
TPS offered this space to discuss— Recap of August Community and Executive Town Halls. A continuing conversation— What is the...
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TPS News
Director's Debrief
August Executive Town Hall
TPS offered this space for Senior Arts Leaders to discuss the state of the theatre in the Puget Sound, brainstorm...
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TPS News
Community Town Hall
August Community Town Hall
TPS offered this space to discuss— What is the state of theatre? What should we do now? What should our...

What are our members up to?​

TPS is committed to keeping our community connected. Take a look at some of the most recent happenings in your community. Have something you would like to have published? Submit your post here. Posts should be Op Ed style, or relative to current happenings in the performing arts industry. This is not a space to promote an upcoming event or production – please use our Events Calendar to spread the word and our Advertising options to attract attention to those events. Take a look at this site for examples of the kind of material that is appropriate to submit for this space.

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Community Events
Member Posts
The Seattle Sockeye Stage Combat Workshop: August 24th and 25th
Check out an exciting 2-day stage combat workshop opportunity coming this August in TPS Space4Arts! There are few things more...

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